Git Branching Strategy
1 min readJul 28, 2023
Git feature branch workflow.
The idea behind this branching strategy is that any feature to be worked on should be done on a feature branch that is checked out from the default branch.
Do not work on the default branch or push directly to it.
// Assuming you're on develop branch.
git pull origin develop
git checkout feat/google-auth
// Perform your changes in the new branch.
git pull origin develop // Resolve merge conflicts if any.
git push origin feat/google-auth
// Proceed to create a PR from remote.
Branch Naming Conventions
A git branch should start with the type of work that branch is related to. Normally used prefixes are:
- feat ➡ For adding, refactoring or removing a feature.
- fix ➡ For fixing a bug.
- hotfix ➡ Temporary bug fix on a live app.
- refactor ➡ When moving or renaming files/folders.
- style ➡ Affecting styles only.
- docs ➡ Changes reflecting on documents.
- chore ➡ Anything that is not a feature or a fix and does not have it’s specific tag.
Git commit messages can also be prefixed with these tags.